





Canadian Owned




Frequently Asked Questions

What is Love from Canada?

Love from Canada is a business directory listing of Canadian owned and operated businesses that helps Canadians

How does Love from Canada

Love from Canada works by providing a platform for Canadian businesses to be easily found online, extending their brand nationally, and selling more products and

How can I list my business on

To list your business on Love from Canada, you can visit our website

Is there a fee for

Yes, there is a fee for listing your business on Love from Canada. The fee varies depending on the type of listing you

How can I support Love

You can support Love from Canada by shopping from Canadian businesses listed on our directory and spreading the word about the platform to others.

Welcome to Love from Canada!

At Love from Canada, we are passionate about supporting Canadian businesses and promoting Canadian products and services.

Our business directory is a comprehensive listing of Canadian owned and operated businesses, making it easy for Canadians to find and support local businesses.

By shopping with Canadian businesses, you are not only getting high-quality products and services, but you are also contributing to the growth of our economy.

Browse our directory today and discover the best of what Canada has to offer!